Explore, Learn, Grow

Talks and webinars series, held twice a month on Wednesdays. This initiative aims to provide valuable insights and knowledge-sharing sessions across various topics relevant to personal and professional growth. Our talks feature industry experts, thought leaders, and specialists who deliver engaging presentations on subjects ranging from leadership development and digital marketing trends to wellness strategies and financial planning.

Each webinar is designed to be interactive, allowing participants to ask questions and engage in discussions with our speakers. Whether you're looking to enhance your skills, stay updated on industry trends, or explore new ideas, our talks and webinars offer a platform for continuous learning and networking. Emerging Journey Asia is committed to fostering a community of lifelong learners and providing accessible opportunities for personal and professional development. Join us on Wednesdays and unlock new possibilities through our insightful talks and webinars!

Join Our Bi-Monthly Webinars
  • On Wednesdays
  • Interesting and useful topics
  • Expert speakers and panellists

Why EJAsia is the Top Choice for Your Needs?

  • Customized
    Training Programs

  • Interactive
    Learning Experience

  • Personalized Support

Our Benefits

Get the Best Talent Development Program from EJAsia

  • Master Trainer & Expert Instructors

  • Comprehensive Curriculum

  • Interactive Learning

  • Tailored Programs